Chief Minister Nara Chandrababu Naidu said best liquor policy will be made available in the state by October 1. In the meantime liquor policies in UP, Telangana, Karnataka, Rajasthan, Kerala and other states should be studied and the best should be formulated. Naidu repeatedly told ministers not to do what the YSRC leaders did in the previous government and let's go according to the law to punish culprits.
Chandrababu made interesting comments comparing the Bangladesh current revolution with Andhra Pradesh election-2024 results. The AP cabinet meeting was held on Wednesday in the state secretariat at Velagapudi in Amaravati and after the completion of the agenda, Naidu discussed political issues with the ministers. Chandrababu said, “What happened in the AP election was a silent revolution but a violent revolution was seen in Bangladesh. We are a democratic country so people gave their verdict in the form of vote.
Naidu suggested to the ministers that while making decisions on the development of the constituencies, there should be a discussion among people and decisions should be made according to their opinions. He said YSR Congress leaders have stolen the revenue in liquor sales. Inferior brands were brought at the risk of people's health. He recalled that during 2014 and 2019, all brands were available.
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