Year 2022 has ended and the year 2023 has finally arrived. It makes us think how quickly the year passed by, how the time flies. With the arrival of New Year 2023, we definitely want to wish our loved ones; a 'Happy New Year'. But let's not make it boring with the regular New Year wishes.
It is the time for celebration with our near and dear ones. Also, when we all feel that we should start afresh with a lot of joy and optimism. We relish good food and often begin the year by seeking God's blessings by visiting temples or places of worship. We exchange gifts, send greetings and wishes to our loved ones.
Who doesn't like to smile or laugh? So, to do just that, we have curated a few funny 'New Year wishes' that will surely bring a smile on your love ones' face on this New Year; so that they can start the year on a happy note.
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