CM Chandrababu assured the victims that they will provide essential goods from tomorrow and will move from Vijayawada only after the situation improves.
Vijayawada :- CM Chandrababu Naidu toured flood affected areas extensively on Wednesday for the fourth day. He went directly to the houses of the victims and greeted them and told them. As there is flood water in some areas which is still severe, . After conducting a review with the Collectors, Ministers and senior officials, CM left the Collectorate in the afternoon and toured the Pipe Road and Vambe Colonies via Singh Nagar Flyover, Jakkampudi route. CM asked the residents of Indiramma Colony and learned about the difficulties. From there he reached Ajit Singh Nagar, GM Tower and spoke to the victims.
When the victims were asked if they had received milk, food and water, they told the CM that they had received breakfast in the morning and lunch in the afternoon. When the women told the CM that they were facing problems due to mud in the houses...Chandrababu promised that he would be responsible for cleaning all the houses with fire engines. He said that he has been visiting the flood-affected areas for four days to ensure that no one gets discouraged. He said that he will provide essential commodities from tomorrow and he is responsible for supporting everyone. Several garment and showroom managers gathered together at GM Tower and raised their issue. They lamented that all the clothes and other goods in the shops were damaged and they lost everything. They have assured that they are already discussing with 23 insurance companies with the intention of supporting you and will take steps to support you. CM Chandrababu assured the victims that he will move from Vijayawada only after the situation is rectified and all of you are brought back to normal.
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