Home Minister Vanita said the statue of social justice is the tallest statue of BR Ambedkar so far. She thanked the chief minister for giving her an opportunity to serve the people Minister Nagarjuna said TD chief Chandrababu Naidu had “insulted Dalits, insulted our God, attacked us, did atrocities on us and insulted the Dalit community during his rule. CM Jagan stood by Ambedkar's ideals and changed the status of our castes.” Minister Nagarjuna said, “Jagan Reddy is the only CM who promoted Ambedkarism in AP and BR Ambedkar's ideology.
Home Minister Taneti Vanita and Social Welfare Minister Merugu Nagarjuna have termed the unveiling of the ‘tallest’ statue of BR Ambedkar in Vijayawada as “an epoch-making event that will be written in golden letters in the history of India.” Chief Minister Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy on Friday unveiled the 125-ft tall statue at Swaraj Maidan Stadium here. The monumental structure, named as the Statue of Social Justice, stands atop an 81-feet pedestal at the Smriti Vanam, claiming a total height of 206ft. The statue is described as the tallest non-religious statue in the country.
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