Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, on Tuesday, inaugurated the new Chancery premises of the High Commission of India in Brunei by lighting a lamp and unveiling a plaque. During the much-awaited event, the Prime Minister also interacted with the Indian community members who were present at the inauguration. He underscored their contribution as a "living bridge" between the two countries and strengthened bilateral ties.
At the inauguration event, the Prime Minister was accompanied by External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar and NSA Ajit Doval
The first phase of Indians arriving in Brunei started with the discovery of oil in the 1920s. Currently, approximately 14,000 Indians are residing in Brunei. The contribution of Indian doctors and teachers to the growth and development of Brunei’s healthcare and education sectors has been well acknowledged.
The chancery complex embodies a profound sense of Indianness, masterfully integrating traditional motifs and lush tree plantations. The use of elegant claddings and durable Kota stones further enhances its aesthetic appeal, harmoniously blending classic and contemporary elements. The design not only pays homage to India’s rich cultural heritage but also creates a tranquil and inviting atmosphere, according to the statement released by the Ministry of External Affairs.
Earlier today, PM Modi arrived here on the first leg of his two-nation trip during which he will hold talks with the country's top leadership. Modi, who is the first Indian Prime Minister to travel to Brunei on a bilateral visit, said he was looking forward to his meetings with Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah and other members of the royal family to advance the historical relationship to new heights. "Landed in Brunei Darussalam. Looking forward to strong ties between our nations, especially in boosting commercial and cultural linkages. I thank Crown Prince His Royal Highness Prince Haji Al-Muhtadee Billah for welcoming me at the airport," Modi said in a post on X.
As a special gesture, Prime Minister Modi was received by Crown Prince Al-Muhtadee Billah at the airport. Modi was accorded a warm welcome and given a guard of honour at the airport. "PM @narendramodi alights in Brunei to a ceremonial welcome. Warmly received by Crown Prince His Royal Highness Prince Haji Al-Muhtadee Billah," Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal said in a post on X. "This visit is special as it is the first-ever bilateral visit by an Indian PM and is taking place as the two countries are celebrating 40 years of the establishment of diplomatic ties this year," Jaiswal added.
The prime minister expressed confidence in advancing India's historical ties with Brunei Darussalam and deepening its strategic partnership with Singapore during his three-day visit to the two countries. Brunei is an important partner in India’s ‘Act East’ Policy and Indo-Pacific Vision. India and Brunei enjoy a friendly relationship which is marked by mutual respect and understanding on bilateral and multilateral issues. The two countries are linked by history, culture and tradition spanning a millennium, the MEA said in a release.
Modi was welcomed by the vibrant Indian community members when he arrived at the hotel where he would be staying during his visit. He interacted with the community members. A little girl presented Modi with his sketch and he gave her his autograph. Later in the evening, PM Modi will also visit an iconic mosque built by the father of the present Sultan. On Wednesday, Modi will hold bilateral talks with Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah.
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