AP chief secretary Neerabh Kumar Prasad on Sunday said Andhra Pradesh government ready to pick up the mantle of environmental stewardship. We are keen to continuously support and collaborate with BEE and the union ministry of power to push forward the crucial LiFE mission for betterment of the society and future generations.
AP teamed up with the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) under the union ministry of power to drive the Mission LiFE initiative, thereby setting up a new standard in sustainable living and energy efficiency across Andhra Pradesh. Releasing BEE’s special report on Mission LiFE at the AP secretariat, Neerabh Kumar underlined that this ambitious project is poised to expand the economy, ensure energy security, and improve the quality of life in the state, positioning Andhra Pradesh as a trailblazer in the country.
The CS said "Andhra Pradesh is ready to pick up the mantle of environmental stewardship. We are keen to continuously support and collaborate with BEE and the union ministry of power to push forward the crucial LiFE mission for betterment of the society and future generations.” Neerabh Kumar underlined that under the leadership of Chief Minister Nara Chandrababu Naidu, Andhra Pradesh has made significant strides in green energy. Since 2014, the CM has pioneered energy-efficiency programs like LED street lighting, UJALA scheme, energy-efficient agricultural pump sets and e-Mobility, with AP earning numerous national awards.
He pointed out that AP has achieved World Bank rankings in energy efficiency readiness and has attracted global attention. Mission LiFE has 75 actionable steps, including using LED bulbs, public transport, bicycles, CNG / EV vehicles, carpooling, and solar energy solutions. Those present at the release of BEE’s special report included special chief secretary (Energy) K. Vijayanand, APSECM CEO Kumara Reddy and media adviser for southern states / union territories A. Chandra Sekhara Reddy.
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