Deputy chief minister Pawan Kalyan assured the people of Pulapathur and Mandapalli that the NDA govt will conduct a detailed investigation into the Annamayya dam tragedy reported in the 2021 floods in which several villages were completely marooned and many lost their lives.
Accusing that the greed of the previous YSRCP govt which allowed sand mining activities till the very last minute despite being aware of devastation that could be triggered, led to the crashing of the Annamayya dam that got washed away, Dy CM assured the people that all those responsible for the mishap, will not be spared following the outcome of a detailed probe into this man made tragedy, which will soon be ordered by the NDA govt.
During his visit to the Annamayya dam crash affected village Pulapathur on Friday, Pawan Kalyan interacted with the villagers who poured in their woes regarding pending compensation and livelihood support, construction of pucca houses for the families which lost their lives in the flash floods triggered by the Annamayya dam collapse in 2021.
Dy CM assured the locals that pending bills to the tune of Rs 6 crore meant to be spent for the construction of 300 houses will be released with immediate effect. "All the victim farmers will be provided with 5 cents of land by the state govt. We will also look into the feasibility of constructing a flood protection wall", Pawan Kalyan assured.
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