The Mamata Banerjee-led Trinamool Congress on Sunday announced four nominees for the upcoming Rajya Sabha Elections. The party has selected senior journalist Sagarika Ghose, Susmita Dev, Md Nadimul Haque and Mamata Bala Thakur to represent them in the upper house of parliament.
This marks Sagarika Ghose's entry into politics. Ghose has been a prominent journalist, columnist, and vocal critic of the Modi government and its policies.
The Trinamool Congress, in their announcement on Sunday, stated, "We are pleased to announce the candidature of @sagarikaghose, @SushmitaDevAITC, @MdNadimulHaque6, and Mamata Bala Thakur for the forthcoming Rajya Sabha elections." They added, "We extend our heartfelt wishes to them and hope they will work towards upholding Trinamool’s enduring legacy of indomitable spirit and advocacy for the rights of every Indian."
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More about Sagarika Ghose
Ghose has been a prominent figure in Indian media for many years, having contributed to many news organisations like The Times of India, Outlook, The Indian Express, and CNN-IBN.
With a career exceeding 30 years, she is renowned for her extensive expertise in journalism
Ghose pursued her education at St. Stephen’s College in New Delhi before earning a Rhodes scholarship to Oxford University. She has had a multifaceted career in both print and television media, addressing a wide array of subjects and concerns through her writing and reporting.
She is the spouse of renowned journalist and author Rajdeep Sardesai
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