Telugu Desam on Friday released the road map of the Yuva Galam padayatra being undertaken by party general secretary Nara Lokesh from January 27. The yatra will start from Kuppam in Chittoor district and conclude at Ichchapuram of Srikakulam.
As per the schedule, the padayatra will pass through sensitive areas like Proddatur, Mydukur, Kamapuram and Kadapa in Chief Minister Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy’s native district.
However, permission from police for the yatra has not yet been received. TD leader Varla Ramaiah said a reminder letter has been sent on Friday to the DGP about the permission for Yuva Galam
“We have already submitted a representation to the Chittoor SP on January 12 for the district’s leg of the yatra. We are awaiting clearance. Once we get it, we will make the necessary arrangements for the programme,” Ramaiah said.
However, sources said the party is ready with the arrangements, which will be quickly put in place once the formal permission is received.
TD politburo member Kalava Sreenivasulu declared that the Yuva Galam will create history in the state by ending the atrocious rule of YSRC.
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