Actress Sobhita Dhulipala, who got engaged to Tollywood star Naga Chaitanya on August 8, has reportedly landed an exciting offer in Bollywood. According to the latest reports, Sobhita has been offered to sizzle in a special dance number in the most eagerly awaited Bollywood film, Don 3.
Apparently, Farhan Akhtar, the director and producer of Don 3, recently met Sobhita and discussed the song. The talented actress is said to have responded positively, and an official announcement is expected to be out soon. If finalized, this would mark Sobhita’s debut stint in special dance numbers.
Don 3: The Chase Ends features popular Bollywood actors Ranveer Singh and Kiara Advani in lead roles. Ranveer has stepped into the shoes of Amitabh Bachchan and Shah Rukh Khan to join the Don franchise. The film is currently under production and more details will be out in the coming days.
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